Municipal Sewage
We specialize in design of constructed wetlands for polishing effluent from conventional sewage treatment plants (STPs), using the latest modelling techniques and our own performance database. We have experience in the design, construction supervision, planting and maintenance of some of the biggest constructed wetland systems in the world (e.g. the 481 ha treatment wetland in Oman).
Surface Flow Wetlands (SFWs) are a suitable, robust, energy efficient option for increasing the removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from existing STPs as part of an upgrade to meet higher environmental standards or to increase capacity. Wetlands also provide hydraulic buffering and can enhance the ability of the STP to deal with wet weather flows.
Using a wetland to polish STP effluent also creates wildlife habitat, increases biodiversity, sequesters carbon and enhances the green credentials of the municipality.
In other cases, we have used constructed wetlands to help water utilities address environmental flow requirements, such as “low flow fresh releases”.
Treatment wetlands can be used after a broad range of wastewater treatment processes, including activated sludge, MBR, MBBR, MLE, trickling filters, lagoons and waste stabilization pond systems.

Why Choose WET Systems?

We are an Australian business working throughout Australasia and further afield. Where possible, we support other local businesses and provide volunteer services to local groups in order to build a strong community.

WET Systems has over 20 years of experience in the design and construction of constructed wetlands. We have worked across all states in Australia as well as the Middle East and Europe. We provide Australia’s most experienced constructed wetland design service coupled with excellent standards and honesty.

We work closely with our clients to create, design and implement treatment systems to meet their specific needs. We greatly value client input through all stages of the project and aim to grow strong, trusting relationships in order to create the best outcome.
Contact WET Systems
Contact the wetland & ecological treatment system professionals to learn how we implement ecological-oriented waste water management solutions.